Our commitment to innovation propels the pioneering of novel approaches, delivering superior quality and efficiency. Tailored solutions and a focus on reliability, ethics, and sustainability enhance clients’ operations globally, fostering enduring relationships built on excellence and trust.

Call Us on +94 117 891 671

Blazing a Global Trail

More than merely a B2B sustainable chemistry provider, the brand is focused on transforming businesses for a better, more sustainable future. Unique customer experiences are produced, conventional wisdom is challenged, and people and the environment are advocated for. With over fifteen years of expertise across five continents and sectors, the goal is clear: to revolutionise business for the betterment of life and livelihood.


WITCO serves as a key intermediary in the field of chemistry, connecting producers with enterprises seeking custom solutions for their industrial processes.


Transform with WITCO emphasises our commitment to catalysing innovation and progress in businesses through unique chemistry solutions.


Co-creation embodies our chemistry-specific collaborative innovation philosophy. Partnering with WITCO involves embarking on a journey of creative collaboration...

Features Solutions

Dedicated to value creation, the focus is on developing chemistries that harmonise with both nature and humans. Navigating uncharted waters by incorporating solutions into the Blue Ocean Strategy, avoiding competition and generating new market space. This strategy fosters innovation that transcends traditional boundaries, resulting in sustainable products and processes. Firm believers in balancing progress with environmental and social well-being, a future is envisioned where sustainable chemistry acts as a catalyst for positive change.

Priceless Perceptions

The partnership formed is invaluable, offering focused solutions that consistently exceed expectations, bridging the gap between requirements and impactful results. The value proposition presented is profoundly meaningful in every interaction, leading to expansions that have spanned a global clientele. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, anticipation builds for the continuation of successful collaborations for years to come.

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG)

Recognising responsibilities and accountabilities, the fostering of positive impacts on the environment and communities through organisational initiatives is paramount. Sustainability, a cornerstone of values within the sustainable chemistries industry, extends across various verticals, including Environmental, Social, and Governance. The commitment to sustainability is reflected in efforts aimed at enhancing efficiency in resource utilisation. As a leading player in the industry, the acknowledgment of the crucial role played in achieving sustainability throughout the value chain is evident. Adherence to rules and regulations embedded within the company guides both organisational actions and individual behaviours.

Latest News/Blog

Revolutionising the industry - Next-gen chemical engineering breakthroughs

Welcome to the frontier of innovation in chemical engineering! I am excited to offer you a glimpse into the cutting-edge practices where we are revolutionising industries with entirely new approaches.

Green Manufacturing...

Emerging technologies...

SLINTEC’s post-harvest technology to commercialise in collaboration with WITCO