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In relationships, it is all about the chemistry! Just like in science, the right mix of elements can create something truly magical. Whether it is a case of flying sparks or just enjoying each other’s company, chemistry plays a big role in making connections that endure. So, grab your lab coat and let us explore the science of being connected.
Chemistrically speaking: insights and innovations from us to you
Revolutionising The Industry: Next-Gen Chemical Engineering Breakthroughs
Welcome to the frontier of innovation in chemical engineering! I am excited to offer you a glimpse into the cutting-edge practices where we are revolutionising industries with entirely new approaches. "Revolutionising the Industry: Next-Gen Chemical Engineering...
Green Manufacturing – Pioneering Sustainable Processes In Chemical Production
At WITCO, we have always believed in responsible production. We understand the impact our industry can have on the environment, and we are committed to doing our part to ensure a sustainable future. Green manufacturing is the key that unlocks this vision. So, what...
The Next Wave – Emerging Technologies Reshaping Industrial Solutions
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) AI and ML are no longer just science fiction; they are making serious waves in the industrial world. Intelligent systems can analyse vast datasets of chemical reactions, predict optimal production processes, and...
SLINTEC’s post-harvest technology to commercialise in collaboration with WITCO
From left: SLINTEC Head of Business Development Dr. Lakshitha Pahalagedara, SLINTEC Senior Executive – Business Development Dulani Senarath Yapa, SLINTEC Head of Technology Transfer Dr. Rangika De Silva, WITCO Product Lead Ranuka Gunawardhena, SLINTEC CEO Dr....